Monday, June 22, 2009

Makes You Go Hummmmm

"Socialite, 85, shocks New York with sex novel"
Paul Harris in New York The Observer, Sunday 12 April 2009

In a sign that you're never too old to try something new - or something racy - one of the grandes dames of New York society has penned an erotic novel at the age of 85.

Gloria Vanderbilt, whose family name is one of the most famed in Manhattan history, has written Obsession, the story of a woman who becomes entranced by her dead husband's affair with a dominatrix.

The sexually explicit book, which is to be published
in June, has already sent shock waves through the reserved upper echelons of New York society after passages were leaked to a New York tabloid. The leaks showed that Vanderbilt's prose spares no one's blushes in its explicit descriptions of kinky sex. Andrea Peyser, a columnist at the New York Post who got hold of the 143-page tome, breathlessly called it 'pure, elegant, unadulterated smut' - before reassuring readers that the book was light enough to be 'easily read with one hand'."

It seems that for many seniors one can never be too old or too sedate to need some acknowlegement of their continued interest in sex. Yes, with years of experience, "oldsters" still think about it, write about it, and even live with it as a driving force. Go girl.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Shared Needs and Wants

What makes a health relationship between two, or more, persons who are committed to being with one another? From my way of thinking, all parties must be brutally honest about their individual needs and wants. Open communication is essential. Hidden agendas will kill meaningful conversation and destroy understanding.

HA means that you are either consciously or unconsciously lying to yourself about what you really need to be satisfied, or, in other words, to be content with the state and direction of your relationship. A person should figure out what's important and necessary and then communication in no uncertain terms this information to the significant other or others.

Also, given the fact that needs and wants can, and often do, change throughout the duration of committed relationships, altered thoughts and desires must be verbalized and and not be suppressed. In all likelihood, suppressed thoughts tend to fester and grow, and grow, in frustration until and unless brought to light.

i do believe that there is no right or wrong way for people to live and love, no magical condition necessary. Whatever works, some might say. However, it seems to me that a central prerequiste for a health relationship is a meeting of the minds. In short, are we on the same page?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Long Past Growing Older

Ah, the joys of being older and there are some. For instance, if you are a parent or parents of children, they, for the most part, are no longer in your house, and have established their own lives and abodes. And, more than likely, they are dealing with their own problems and concerns. And, if they too have children, of any age, then their children's trials and tribulations also consume much of their time. Guess what? That gives them precious little time to delve into your life and activities. That means, if you choose to keep your business to yourself, which is probably a very wise move, then they are more then happy to let you. After all, they have very full plates without adding more. Questions like: Where are you going?, When will you be back?, and more, do not require answers because they are not asked. I don't know about anyone else, but, as for me, i like the freedom from all that.

Another bright spot, now that you have reached older, is the physical privacy that you should enjoy. If you have played it right, you and your significant other, in my case, my Master, have control over the time and the space. When and where you do what you do is determined only by your desires. There are no arraignments that have to be made, no others to consider, no angst about lack of privacy. Moreover, there is little worry as to whether or not a favorite toy or whip could be inadvertently left out where others might see. Since call before you come has already been established by your kids a long time ago, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. I expect a call before anyone, including my kids, comes over.

Also, i find that i am much calmer about the ebb and flow of life. Things and people that i have no control over, i'm not going to spend too much time worrying about. Generally, people are going to do what they want to do. The only concern for you is whether or not their actions impact too much on your life. If so, then you have to explore your options. If not, there should be little that you should do or say, unless an opinion is asked for by those involved. Hopefully, with age comes a little wisdom.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Master has left to go on his "date". He says that it's not a date, but when you make plans to do something fun and enjoyable with someone of the oppose sex, it's a date. At first, i think he was a bit uncertain about telling me his plans for today, but from his point of view he had no other choice. For you see, my Master is honest, forthright, and trustworthy. Any form of dishonesty is abhorrent to him. In his mind, he had to inform me of his plans. Of course, at the same time he also told me that i have nothing to worry about, because he loves me above all others and i belong to him. And, to be honest, since this was the second time he had gone out with another important lady from his past, i wasn't too surprised when he gave me the news this time.

You see, i have found that Master has a need to keep in touch with certain ladies that he has loved and whom, on some level, he still loves. i understand and accept that about him. At the same time, i know that he loves me and wants to be with me. He has also shown me that he values our relationship, and doesn't intend to do anything that would jeopardize it. As he has said,"I can't see my life without you being a very important part of it." i have no doubts about his sincerity, none at all. He has said often enough that i belong to him, and it will always be so.

So far, my reactions to these dates, strangely enough, are somewhat surprising even to me. i am content and not at all fearful and distrustful of my Master's actions and desires. In other words, i am at peace with his needs and i hope he has a great "date".

Monday, February 16, 2009


Saturday morning He went to the garage and returned with a big box which was mine to open. Inside the box i found two big fluffy terrycloth robes, and slippers. In addition, i found a certificate for a romantic getaway suite for two with a private indoor pool, whirlpool tub, and steam room. Just as exciting to me, i get to choose when we will go.

Thank You Wonderful Master

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

So Simple

"What do you want from me?" she said.

"Obedience," said He.

slave freya
(always questioning, always testing)

Monday, January 19, 2009


Sometimes opinions make me sick. Especially opinions that criticise what others do or say.
If what others do or say doesn't affect you, and it doesn't break the law, why do you care?
Those wonderfully opinionated superior people are often amazing to behold. God bless them.

Just my little rant for the day.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

So, how did you meet?

It seems to me that whenever someone new appears in any one's life, people, in general, are curious as to how they met. Most often, my stock response to such inquiries would be that we met on the Internet. For those who wanted more details, i would indicate that we met though one of the many sites devoted to matching compatible singles. Any more details than that, they really didn't need to know, especially since i have always refused to listen to the opinions of others as to what i should or should not do, or how i should or should not live. Anyway, if they knew the whole story, i'm sure i would have been bombarded with opinions, advice, and with dire predictions about the consequences of my rash actions.

For you see, i went beyond joining a common garden variety matchmaking site. Since i had a good handle on my particular needs and desires, i knew that i would be wasting my time at vanilla venues. i was looking for more "unique" experiences. Therefore, after carefully considering my options, i became a member of some "alternative lifestyle" sites devoted to getting down to the basics in sexual matters. You see, i was primarily looking for a passionate, experienced, sexually dominate, sometimes sadistic, man with inventive tendencies, and i knew the best place to find what i was looking for was at these specialized Internet locations. To be honest, i really had no time for the slow unearthing of another person's sexual proclivities. The need to know, and the need to know sooner rather than later, was uppermost in my mind. After all, at the time, i just wanted someone who's kinks matched mine. i didn't want a romance, a husband, or a soul mate. i just wanted to have unfettered deviate sex.

So, at the end of the inevitable process of elimination, exploratory e-mails, lengthy phone calls, and the nervously anticipated first meeting, i found the dominate man i was looking for. i found the man who would, in time, become my Master. i found Him on the Internet.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Think Again

Unfortunately, there are still too many people who think that once a woman reaches a "cetain age", or time in life, sex is of little interest or concern, and is just so much bother.

Perhaps it's just the thought of mom and pop, or even grams and gram pa, engaging in any type of sexual activity, and enjoying it, that is too unsettling and unseemly for way too many "enlightened" people. After all, can you picture anyone you know over 60 in a sexual situation? You do get my point, don't you. Well, folks try a new way of thinking because that "cute little old couple" down the street, or down the hall, might be doing things that are anything but cute, and having a grand old time doing it. In support of the obvious enthusiasm exhibited by seniors when it comes to sex, i would note that in Fetlife one of the largest and fastest growing groups is the 50+ crowd.

Yes, Virginia, contrary to popular belief, old people do have passions, desires, and sex, even kinky sex. And by the way, if you didn't already know, all of us are not shocked, confused, or distressed at the mention or thought of unusual, some might say deviant, sexual practices. In fact, i'm pretty sure that oldsters the world over are engaging in some of the same kinky, perverted pleasures.

Remember, just as you can't judge a book by its' cover, neither can you judge it by the year that it was published.