Saturday, January 17, 2009

So, how did you meet?

It seems to me that whenever someone new appears in any one's life, people, in general, are curious as to how they met. Most often, my stock response to such inquiries would be that we met on the Internet. For those who wanted more details, i would indicate that we met though one of the many sites devoted to matching compatible singles. Any more details than that, they really didn't need to know, especially since i have always refused to listen to the opinions of others as to what i should or should not do, or how i should or should not live. Anyway, if they knew the whole story, i'm sure i would have been bombarded with opinions, advice, and with dire predictions about the consequences of my rash actions.

For you see, i went beyond joining a common garden variety matchmaking site. Since i had a good handle on my particular needs and desires, i knew that i would be wasting my time at vanilla venues. i was looking for more "unique" experiences. Therefore, after carefully considering my options, i became a member of some "alternative lifestyle" sites devoted to getting down to the basics in sexual matters. You see, i was primarily looking for a passionate, experienced, sexually dominate, sometimes sadistic, man with inventive tendencies, and i knew the best place to find what i was looking for was at these specialized Internet locations. To be honest, i really had no time for the slow unearthing of another person's sexual proclivities. The need to know, and the need to know sooner rather than later, was uppermost in my mind. After all, at the time, i just wanted someone who's kinks matched mine. i didn't want a romance, a husband, or a soul mate. i just wanted to have unfettered deviate sex.

So, at the end of the inevitable process of elimination, exploratory e-mails, lengthy phone calls, and the nervously anticipated first meeting, i found the dominate man i was looking for. i found the man who would, in time, become my Master. i found Him on the Internet.

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