Sunday, March 15, 2009

Long Past Growing Older

Ah, the joys of being older and there are some. For instance, if you are a parent or parents of children, they, for the most part, are no longer in your house, and have established their own lives and abodes. And, more than likely, they are dealing with their own problems and concerns. And, if they too have children, of any age, then their children's trials and tribulations also consume much of their time. Guess what? That gives them precious little time to delve into your life and activities. That means, if you choose to keep your business to yourself, which is probably a very wise move, then they are more then happy to let you. After all, they have very full plates without adding more. Questions like: Where are you going?, When will you be back?, and more, do not require answers because they are not asked. I don't know about anyone else, but, as for me, i like the freedom from all that.

Another bright spot, now that you have reached older, is the physical privacy that you should enjoy. If you have played it right, you and your significant other, in my case, my Master, have control over the time and the space. When and where you do what you do is determined only by your desires. There are no arraignments that have to be made, no others to consider, no angst about lack of privacy. Moreover, there is little worry as to whether or not a favorite toy or whip could be inadvertently left out where others might see. Since call before you come has already been established by your kids a long time ago, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. I expect a call before anyone, including my kids, comes over.

Also, i find that i am much calmer about the ebb and flow of life. Things and people that i have no control over, i'm not going to spend too much time worrying about. Generally, people are going to do what they want to do. The only concern for you is whether or not their actions impact too much on your life. If so, then you have to explore your options. If not, there should be little that you should do or say, unless an opinion is asked for by those involved. Hopefully, with age comes a little wisdom.

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