Saturday, February 28, 2009


Master has left to go on his "date". He says that it's not a date, but when you make plans to do something fun and enjoyable with someone of the oppose sex, it's a date. At first, i think he was a bit uncertain about telling me his plans for today, but from his point of view he had no other choice. For you see, my Master is honest, forthright, and trustworthy. Any form of dishonesty is abhorrent to him. In his mind, he had to inform me of his plans. Of course, at the same time he also told me that i have nothing to worry about, because he loves me above all others and i belong to him. And, to be honest, since this was the second time he had gone out with another important lady from his past, i wasn't too surprised when he gave me the news this time.

You see, i have found that Master has a need to keep in touch with certain ladies that he has loved and whom, on some level, he still loves. i understand and accept that about him. At the same time, i know that he loves me and wants to be with me. He has also shown me that he values our relationship, and doesn't intend to do anything that would jeopardize it. As he has said,"I can't see my life without you being a very important part of it." i have no doubts about his sincerity, none at all. He has said often enough that i belong to him, and it will always be so.

So far, my reactions to these dates, strangely enough, are somewhat surprising even to me. i am content and not at all fearful and distrustful of my Master's actions and desires. In other words, i am at peace with his needs and i hope he has a great "date".

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