Friday, January 9, 2009

Think Again

Unfortunately, there are still too many people who think that once a woman reaches a "cetain age", or time in life, sex is of little interest or concern, and is just so much bother.

Perhaps it's just the thought of mom and pop, or even grams and gram pa, engaging in any type of sexual activity, and enjoying it, that is too unsettling and unseemly for way too many "enlightened" people. After all, can you picture anyone you know over 60 in a sexual situation? You do get my point, don't you. Well, folks try a new way of thinking because that "cute little old couple" down the street, or down the hall, might be doing things that are anything but cute, and having a grand old time doing it. In support of the obvious enthusiasm exhibited by seniors when it comes to sex, i would note that in Fetlife one of the largest and fastest growing groups is the 50+ crowd.

Yes, Virginia, contrary to popular belief, old people do have passions, desires, and sex, even kinky sex. And by the way, if you didn't already know, all of us are not shocked, confused, or distressed at the mention or thought of unusual, some might say deviant, sexual practices. In fact, i'm pretty sure that oldsters the world over are engaging in some of the same kinky, perverted pleasures.

Remember, just as you can't judge a book by its' cover, neither can you judge it by the year that it was published.


morningstar said...

loved today's blog entry..... i most certainly don't have to think again seeing as i am one of those "cute old couples down the street".. LOL

and i especially loved the don't judge the book by the year it was published !!

morningstar (owned by Warren)

slave freya said...

Dear littleone,

I'm honored by your comments. You are really one of the best bloggers that i devour.

Thanks for reading and agreeing.

My best to you,
slave freya

MJ's Slave said...

Personally, i think you have to have a certain amount of life experience to figure out just who you are and what you like. And in the case of being a submissive woman at a time when it is politically incorrect, the maturity to not only know what you like, but the wisdom to go for it!

i know when i was 15 and thought about my folks "doing it" i was totally grossed out and thought it was the most disgusting thing i could imagine and they must be the only "old people" still interested in a sport for the young ;-)

It takes a while to find out just how ignorant you were! Seeing myself thru the eyes of my daughters (me being older than my hot momma was at the time!)was the eye opener for me..i thought i was totally "cool"...frisky and hip..they, of course, thought i was completely embarrassing and should be planning which home i wanted them to send me to..SOON!

This is a great post that put a smile on my face and MJ's, too!

Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Dear ~nik,

Again, thanks for your thoughtful comments. To have an intense, soul satisfying, can't keep my hands off you, relationship is wonderful at any age.

In spite of the roles others assign to us, we must be true to ourselves and our needs.

Please give my best to your Master, and know that i appreciate your sharing and caring with me and your other readers also.

slave freya