Sunday, December 7, 2008


Open letter to me,

Don't expect your M/s relationship, or any other intimate relationship for that matter, to be tomorrow what it is today. In my observations, it seems that intense relationships over time will either be nonexistent or will have been altered to accommodate changes in conditions, attitudes, or abilities. In short, you can't escape the challenges of just existing and exploring the boundaries of your coupling. Without a doubt, you will discover that your Master is not always so masterful, and He will find out that his slave isn't always so blissful in her submission. In fact, in many cases, what is now an inconceivable situation may be just around the corner. You never know.

Please try to mentally prepare yourself for the inevitable changes to come, some wished for, some not. Try to consider, from time to time, what if. . . . . .?


MJ's Slave said...

This sounds rather ominous. i do hope everything adjusts to your liking. You are 100% correct that things always change. Life is change and M/s is just a part of life.

Possibly it would help to remember change is like a birthday....when they stop we're dead. That always helps me, as i HATE change..particularly when i am not the one who has initiated it.

What you say about the Master seeming unMasterful and the slave not feeling their submission is oh so true for any M/s relationship other than a "play date". Reality can be painfully intrusive for sure.

i hope whatever transition you find yourself negotiating it goes well for you and you are able to stay true to your own nature.

Warm wishes,

slave freya said...

Dear MJ's Slave,

Thank you for your interest and concern. Everything is going well with me. I think this entry was a reflection of my own thoughts after reading of some recent developments on other blogs.

i do enjoy your writings, and i wish you and yours the very best holiday season.

With warm regards,
slave freya