Thursday, October 2, 2008

Never Too Late

Would you believe that after marriage, motherhood, career, widowhood, and retirement that i would find myself a slave, a happy slave. But again this morning, as always, i'm awakened by the feel of squeezed, pulled, and twisted nipples. They have become so accustomed to this treatment that if for some reason it isn't done, they ache for Master's attention. i then wait patiently for the chain to be unlocked from around my neck and proceed to get on all fours for my wake up flogging. This is our routine, this is the beginning of our day and i love it.


MJ's Slave said...

It is "never too late"!! It just takes some of us longer to come to accept what was there all along. Society in the mid/latter 20th century
did not support nor promote a woman's choice to kneel.

i am happy that you have found your place and are embracing your "true nature".

i look forward to reading as your journey continues.

All the best,
~MJ's slave nik

Owner and property said...

no sweet fellow slave, it is never too late. congratulations on your rebirth as a slave. i am sincerely happy that you have a Master who will never let you forget who and what you are!

warm regards,

slave freya said...

Dear MJ's slave,
Dear g tightlaced slave,

Sorry for the tardy response to your comments. In re-reading my posts, I noticed them.

Thank you both for your kind and encouraging words. I have read and enjoyed both of your blogs.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to keep up with g's blog since it is now password protected.

My very best to you both.

Owner and property said...

greetings slave freya,

your apology is of course accepted and thank you for it. ~soft smile~ before making my journal private, i posted letting slaves know that if they were interested in continuing to read it to please email me to let me know. if you would like, i will send you an invitation. please email me at: as i need your email addy to forward the invitation.

blessings to you and yours,