Wednesday, June 30, 2010

No Longer Mine

In due time, I began to realize that by giving myself to Master I had relinquished the unfettered control over my own body. It is no longer mine. It is his. It now belongs to him for his use and enjoyment. Now it is he, and he alone, who determines what goes on it and what goes in it. At any given time, he determines how it will be used, and whether it will have pleasure or pain. He is its' undisputed owner.

As for me, I'm regarded as its' caretaker with the primary responsibility of making it available at the owner's will, available for what ever service is required. I have no say so in when, where, or how his body is used. However, the day to day care and maintenance of his body is left up to me. Along with ensuring availability, Master requires that I keep his body in a state of readiness and good working order. The details of how this is done is left up to me. In short, he expects his body always available, wet, and ready for service.

That's how it is and how it will be.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What Can I Say?

Often I wonder why I started this blog. Not being particularly fond of writing, and ,quite frankly, not having much to add about the dynamics of Master/slave interactions, I question my motivation for even thinking that I could offer anything to the general discussion about BDSM relationships. But, after giving it some thought, I remember who I am and why I wanted to start this blog. You see, I have noticed that most of the self described slaves and submissives that blog are much younger than myself and I wanted to "shout out" to those of us who are not so young, in fact most would say we are exceeding far from being young, and who are also new to the consenting submissive life.

Admittedly, I have had a long and lasting interest in all expressions of human sexuality, especially those involving domination, submission, pleasure and pain. From a very early age I fantasized about having all sorts of delicious experiences, but any moves towards actualizing my fantasies were successfully suppressed. The very practical side of me was determined not to let anything interfere with the life that I had carefully planned for myself. I wanted and got the home, the two children, and the long term marriage, including everything that such a marriage entails. During my marriage, I had worked towards and eventually had a career. I had no time to give into my secret yearnings. In my mind,I had made my life choices and that was that.

To be honest, I never dreamed that I would have a second chance, a second life if you will, to explore all manner of sexual expression, and to do and see various ways to get sexual release and satisfaction. In the last three years I have come a long way in experiencing what I only thought about for so many, many years, but I still have much yet to learn. I have a wonderful and caring Master who will hurt me, but not damage me, who will lead me, but not push me. I am indeed a fortunate slave and I have been around long enough to be grateful for this later opportunity to live life intensely, totally, and passionately. And yes,for a number of us over 60, passion is very much a necessary part of our lives.